Monday, 6 January 2014

It's a cat's life

I have an ongoing joke with a friend that I'm going to be a crazy cat lady later in life. And by joke, I mean that she once casually mentioned that she could see me as an old lady living in a bungalow with 30 cats.

It's ok, she's still one of my best friend and she didn't mean to insult me! I think what she was trying to say is that cats seem to be drawn to me and I'm happy to oblige (although this once resulted in me being bitten by a cat when at school and subsequently being convinced I had rabies...). So yes, I do like cats, but not to the extent that I want to spend the rest of my life with them exclusively. 

There's often a view that people who like cats are slightly odd, but I think having a relationship with a pet of any kind can be really beneficial and worthwhile. I know that whenever I'm feeling down a quick cuddle with the cat does actually help me feel better. It also gives me something to focus on other than myself. It's been proven that having a pet around can help people who are unwell, lonely or depressed and this can only be a good thing. 

So here is my small celebration of the small, furry, four-legged creatures who we often take for granted but can bring so much to people's lives. Here is my own furball - 

I've had her since she was a kitten and helped to hand-rear her. Her mum died when she and her brothers were only 3 weeks old so this meant mixing formula to feed them with syringes, having to give them frequent baths and getting up in the middle of the night when she wouldn't stop meowing! I wouldn't swap her for anything though. Even if that does make me a crazy cat lady.


  1. Aw what a little cutie your cat is - i'm the same about cats (I have 2) and they mean the world to me - even though one is rather much a grump. I think i'll be more than happy being a cat lady at any age!

    1. I think all cats are a bit grumpy sometimes! Mine is at the moment because of the bad weather, she just sits around, eats and gets fat!
